Our Chapter
Alpha Phi Iota Mu is dedicated to achieving the goals and continuing the legacy of our founders. Our sisterhood is one of outstanding young women who support each other in lifelong achievement and friendship. We enhance and promote each member's growth and learning by focusing on our values of sisterhood, service, scholarship, leadership, loyalty, and character. The bond you share with your sisters in Alpha Phi during your college years will last a lifetime. Warm and sincere, this sisterhood is a second family where you will find understanding and compassion. As an Alpha Phi, you are part of a network that provides opportunities to experience sisterhood, scholarship and service in your collegiate chapter and as a part of an international organization. With 170 active chapters, Iota Mu is proud to be one of the top fundraising chapters for the Alpha Phi Foundation in the Southeast, having donated over $50,000 for the research and prevention of women's heart disease this year.